Delete an Element Tracking record



Before you delete ANY Element Tracking record, remember:

You will not be able to delete the record if it has any related EOs. If you try to delete an Element Tracking record that has EOs, a message will be displayed, indicating that the prior to deleting the element record, you must first either change the element associated with the EOs, as well as any independent Source Features, or delete them.

How to delete an Element Subnational Tracking (EST) record

The following records, if they exist for the element, will be deleted with the EST: Element Subnational Ranking (ESR), Element Subnational Characterization (CAS), Element Subnational Ecoregion.

How to delete an Element National Tracking (ENT) record

The following records, if they exist for the element, will be deleted with the ENT: Element National Ranking (ENR), Element National Characterization (CAN), Element National Ecoregion, and any ESTs with all their related records listed above.

NOTE: Centrally-maintained ENTs cannot be deleted in local (program) databases.

How to delete an Element Global Tracking (EGT) record

First remember:

In Biotics 5, centrally-maintained Element Global Tracking records cannot be deleted from or inactivated in a local (program) database. Only EGTs which were created locally (Global Element Tracking Maintained By Status is L: Locally) can be deleted.

Deleting an element tracking record in Biotics causes a cascade delete, i.e., all related child records are also deleted. These are EGR, CAG, CCAL, Element Management, EO Specs, EO Rank Specs, Element Global Ecoregion, and any ENTs and ESTs with all their related records.

An alternative to deleting an Element Tracking record is to make it inactive. When an Element Global Tracking (EGT) record is inactivated, it remains in the database, as do all its related global, national, and subnational element data, so that these records can be accessed easily for reference. See the Inactivate an Element help topic for more information. This option is only available in EGTs; you can only delete—not inactivate—an EST or ENT. (But ESTs and ENTs of inactive EGTs are also inactive.)

Recommendation: Unless your installation has defined a clear intent to maintain an archive of inactive elements, you should use Delete rather than Inactivate to remove an entire element from your database. The primary reason for this recommendation is that you will need to remember to specify in all queries that only active records should be included in the query results if you have inactive records in your database.

Deleting an EGT

The following records, if they exist for the element, will be deleted with the EGT: EGR, CAG, CCAL, Element Management, EO Specs, EO Rank Specs, Element Global Ecoregion, and any ENTs and ESTs with all their related records (as listed above). The system may prompt you to remove some relationships before you can proceed. The EGT cannot be deleted until the relationships are manually removed.

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See also:

  • Delete Records
  • Inactivate an Element
  • Change the Element Associated with EO(s)
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