Taxonomy Comments

Information regarding the circumscription of the Element.


Data entry details:

Description of any questions or controversies concerning the validity or taxonomic distinctness of the species should be included. At the global level, an explanation for any use of the Q qualifier in the global Heritage Conservation Status Rank should be provided, if applicable.

At the global level, for nonstandard Elements, an explanation of how the standard classification used by NatureServe Central Sciences treats the Element, including the basis for distinguishing this taxon from other species, subspecies, or varieties, should be included.

Example of entry:

Kartesz (1999), Isely (1998), and Barneby (1989) do not recognize Astragalus ampullarioides (also known as A. eremiticus var. ampullarioides), at either the species or infraspecific levels, instead including it in A. eremiticus, with no varieties recognized. USFWS and Welsh (1998) recognize it as a distinct taxon at the full species level: A. ampullarioides (Great Basin Naturalist 58(1):51).

For new species, an explanation of the taxonomic classification should be provided.

For unpublished taxa, a contact, reference, or other source of further information should be cited.


Data Model Details:

Window: Species Tracking Global

Section: Identifiers/Concept

Field: Taxonomy Comments

Database Table: ELEMENT_GLOBAL

Column: g_classification_com

Data Type: CLOB

Optionality: NULL

Default Value:

Foreign Key from:

Column Name:

Display Column:

Window: Species Tracking National

Section: Identifiers/Concept

Field: Taxonomy Comments


Column: n_classification_com

Data Type: VARCHAR2(4000)

Optionality: NULL

Default Value:

Foreign Key from:

Column Name:

Display Column:

Window: Species Tracking Subnational

Section: Identifiers/Concept

Field: Taxonomy Comments


Column: s_classification_com

Data Type: VARCHAR2(4000)

Optionality: NULL

Default Value:

Foreign Key from:

Column Name:

Display Column:

