This functionality copies only one record at a time. As with deep copy, you start from inside the detail window of the record that you wish to copy into. Shallow copy is available for all record types except USFS Ecoregion.
Shallow copy is essentially a subset of deep copy - that is, deep copy is made up of multiple separate shallow copy operations. See Field Copy Rules for Element Tracking Files for information about which element tracking fields are and are not copied. For other record types, the general rule is that any field required in order to save a record is not copied during shallow copy. Usually, these are only the primary and alternate key fields. However, several additional fields which contribute to the mapped feature, in the EO, Source Feature, Managed Area, and Site windows will not be copied.
From the Working List page, perform a Search for the record. If the record does not exist, create a New Record .
Within the Details window, Create the new record containing the minimum necessary data. This is your target record.
Within the page footer, click Copy From.. .
In a global Element Tracking (EGT) record, you must then select Shallow Copy from the Copy Selection dialog.
In any other type of record, the Copy Selection dialog is not displayed because shallow copy is the only record copy functionality available.
The appropriate Search for... dialog opens. Search for the and select the record to be copied and click it within the Search Results grid. The record selected is the source record. NOTE: When copying any type of element record, the Geographic Level and Name Type in the Search for Element dialog are pre-selected to match those of the target record.
You will receive the following warning - select Yes to proceed or No to cancel the procedure.
After a pause (which may be several seconds long if many associated records are being copied), the non-key contents of the source record appear in the target record. The target record has been automatically saved.