Overview of Biotics 5 System

Biotics is a customized information management system designed to support the latest developments in the Natural Heritage methodology used by NatureServe. It allows the entry and management of data related to Elements of biological diversity, Element Groups, Element Occurrences (EOs), Source Features, Managed Areas (MAs), Conservation Sites (Sites), scientific names, references, and contacts. It also provides seamless access to spatial representations of EOs, MAs, and Sites developed in the Map and displays the calculated spatial attributes.

Biotics provides a web-based interface for data entry and mapping, as well as administrative functions for configuring security, system options, and database extensibility. Biotics 5 is built on ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 and Oracle 12c.

Definitions and functionality basic to using Biotics are presented in the following sections:

Data Model

Subject areas

Working Lists

Find windows

Record Copy Functionality

Query Builder

Questions & Technical Help

See Using & Getting Help for details.


Biotics 5 is supported on the most recent version of Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge browsers. Confirm that the most recent version of the browser is being used.

Minimum Screen Resolution: 1024x768

Language Setting

Changing the display language differs slightly according to the web browser used.
