Within the Layers tab of the map, layers are segregated into accordion sections. These accordion sections can be contracted by clicking the
button or expanded by clicking the
button. Individual layers can be made visible/invisible, their symbology displayed, transparency altered, zoomed to, and details viewed.

- Within the Map, navigate to the Layers tab, if not already there.
- Make a layer visible/invisible by clicking the checkbox left of its name.

- NOTE: Certain layers are only visible at certain map scales. If a map is not available at a given map scale, the layer will be grayed out. To determine the minimum and maximum scale at which a scale will be displayed, View Details.
- Click the
icon to expand a layer to view its symbology.
- Collapse the layer by clicking the
- Hover over a layer name and click the dropdown
icon to the right to view the tasks available for the layer.
- Transparency – allows the transparency of the layer to be adjusted by sliding the indicator along the bar.
- Zoom To – zooms to the full extent of the layer.
- Remove - removes the layer from the map. NOTE: this option is only available for layers added by the user.
- Filter - limits the spatial features displayed on the map to those that meet the filter definition/criteria. Once a Filter has been applied to a layer, the label (Filtered) will be displayed next to the Layer name. It is only available if the Visualization Layer has been configured to Use Filter.
- Clear Filter - removes the filter applied to the layer so that all spatial features are visible. This option is displayed only when a Filter is applied to the layer.
- View Details – opens the details for the layer within the ArcGIS Services Directory. If a secured service, a user name and password will be required to view the information. See the Min Scale and Max Scale values to determine a layers scale dependency.
- View Description - if information has been configured within the Layer Description section of the Layer, the description (metadata) will be displayed in the Layer Description dialog.